
Bone: Ischium of pelvis
Pelvic girdle
Left hip-joint, opened by removing the floor of the acetabulum from within the pelvis. (Ischium labeled at bottom left.)
Latin os ischii
Gray's subject #57 234
MeSH Ischium

The ischium forms the lower and back part of the hip bone (os coxae). The word comes from the Greek ἰσχίον ischion, meaning "hip". (Taber's, 1985).

Situated below the ilium and behind the pubis, it is one of these three bones whose fusion creates the coxa. The superior portion of this bone forms approximately one third of the acetabulum.

It is divisible into three portions:

The ischial ramus joins the inferior ramus of the pubis anteriorly. It is the strongest of the coxal bones.

Clinically, avulsion fracture of the ischial apophysis may occur (Wootton 1990).[1]

Avulsion fractures of the hip bone (avulsion or tearing away of the ischial tuberosity) may occur in adolescents and young adults during sports that require sudden acceleration or deceleration forces, such as sprinting or kicking in football, soccer, jumping hurdles, basketball, and martial arts. These fractures occur at apophyses (bony projections that lack secondary ossification centers). Avulsion fractures occur where muscles are attached: anterior superior and inferior iliac spines, ischial tuberosities, and ischiopubic rami. A small part of bone with a piece of a tendon or ligament attached is avulsed (torn away) (Moore 2006).



The word ischium dates back to c. 1640, from Greek ἰσχίον iskhion meaning "hip joint", in plural, "the hips", and most likely comes from ισχύς iskhys "loin", which is of unknown origin.[2]

In dinosaurs

The clade Dinosauria is divided into the Saurischia and Ornithischia based on hip structure, including importantly that of the ischium.[3]

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  1. ^ Avulsion of the ischial apophysis J. R. Wootton, M. J. Cross, K. W. G. Holt - Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, British Volume. Volume 72-B, No. 4. Date: 1990-07. Retrieved: 2010-05-16.
  2. ^
  3. ^ Seeley, H.G. (1888). "On the classification of the fossil animals commonly named Dinosauria." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 43: 165-171.

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.